OUTLIER: COMMON follows three Latina snow athletes as they navigate life in remote mountains alongside the forces of mother nature.

Together, we summit. When women’s voices rise together, the fate of our communities changes.

In this story, we follow athlete-scientist Nina Aragon, athlete-community builder Vanessa Chavarriaga Posada, and athlete-filmmaker Dani Reyes-Acosta as they embark on a three-part snow adventure. 

Episode to episode, we’ll see the cast’s relationships with the mountains, each other, and themselves evolve and grow. We’ll get an inside look at the women’s personal lives including the balance of family life, motherhood and mental health, and the pressures of life and sport as a professional in the white, male-dominated snow industry. We’ll witness the personal sacrifices they have to make to reach new heights.

Yet their sisterhood grounds them through it all. Their love of snow, cultural connection, and community-oriented values create the camaraderie that guides their exploration of self and th world. These women are the boundary breakers on the horizon.


Presented by

You, The People

In association With


With support from

Anon Optics Logo White OUTLIER Sponsor
Fischer Logo Supporting Sponsor OUTLIER Common
Voited Logo - Supporting Sponsor OUTLIER Common


Dani Reyes-Acosta

Director, Producer

Monica Medellin

Creative Advisor

Len Necefer


Sam Davies

Director of Photography

Charlotte Percle


Ryan Kenny


Carly Finke


Guy Fattal


Sophia Schwartz

Production Assistant

Ida Joglar


Carlos (Charlie) Hernandez

Sound Design

BRing the Film To life

We're crowdfunding this film's production to show that equitable pay, women's voices, and expansive relationships with nature are viable outdoor stories.

an Afuera Productions film "outlier: Common"
directed by dani reyes-acosta
produced by Dani Reyes-Acosta with support from Monica Medellin and Corey Robinson
edited by ida joglar
director of photography Sam Davies cinematography Charlotte Percle, Ryan Kenny, Taylor Pfaff
drone Ryan Kenny
photography Carly Finke, Guy Fattal sound Charlie (Carlos) Hernández
with splitboarders Nina Aragon, Dani Reyes-Acosta and skier Vanessa Chavarriaga Posada
with PR support from Megan Munley of Outside PR



© 2024 All Rights Reserved AFUERA PRODUCTIONS LLC. Website design by Nomad Creativa. Special thanks to Wheelie for logo design and Elementor site Install.